On 18 September 2024, The Canada-Africa Chamber of Business was delighted to host the Hon. Thérèse Kayikwamba Wagner, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic Congo.

The Luncheon (left and right) at The National Club welcomed Chamber members and guests across a range of sectors with an interest in the DRC for an opportunity understand the broader context for trade and investment.
Next Steps
During a follow-up Canada-Africa Chamber meeting at the Royal York in Toronto (centre photo) on 20 September, the Chamber underscored the significant interest in the DRC, including the recent trade mission earlier this year, as well as the firm interest in a Canada-Africa conference envisaged in Kinshasa for next year.
Minister Thérèse Kayikwamba Wagner detailed the wide numbers of sectors to which Canadian companies are invited to invest and partner in the DRC, within the country's economic development objectives.
At Africa Accelerating 2024 this November there is once again a dedicated DRC Session.
Elephant Trade-Services DRC is the Chamber's 30th Anniversary Headline Sponsor this year and for 2025 and supported the Chamber's first ever Official Visit to the country.
"This Ministerial engagement again demonstrates the significant opportunities across the DRC," said Chamber President, Garreth Bloor, during an interview with the media after the Luncheon. "We look forward to the next steps as we accelerate Canada-Africa trade and investment, in the context of the vital role of the Democratic Republic of Congo".

Above: The Official Visit by the Governor of the Lualaba Province during a four-day program in Toronto & Sudbury (left) as well as this year's Business Forum (right) in Kolwezi.