Board of Directors
Board Members
Chair of the Board: Paula Caldwell St-Onge Fmr. Ambassador and Director General for Africa at Global Affairs Canada
Mukani Moyo, Partner, McKinsey & Company (Deputy Chair of the Board)
Daniel Barankin, Founder and CEO,
Pierre Boivin, Counsel and National Leader of the Africa Group, McCarthy Tétrault
Peter Braid, CEO, Insurance Brokers Association of Canada
KC (Karima-Catherine) Goundiam, Founder and CEO of B2BeeMatch
Wayne Floreani, President, MineAfrica Inc.
Randy McAuley, Partner, Goodmans LLP
Thys Terblanche, Vice President, Business Development, Ausenco
Ex Officio
Garreth Bloor, President, The Canada-Africa Chamber of Business