General & Policy
Is the Chamber a lobby or advocacy group?
The Chamber is not a lobby group and stands for accelerating trade and investment between Canada and African markets through world-class networking and information-sharing events. To this end we do not take any specific positions. We do however serve as a platform to discuss ideas on strategy, corporate and public policy as part of our information-sharing mandate, without endorsing any specific position or approach.
Policy thinkers and fellow business associations have engaged the Chamber specifically to hear about the discussions, policy ideas and strategies which have been presented, debated and curated at our events which are available online to all.
Who are Chamber partners?
Global Affairs Canada, MineAfrica Inc, APO Media Group, 6ix, The Southern Africa-Canada Chamber of Commerce and McGill University.
How are Chamber partners determined?
Chamber partners are those with whom we can work to accelerate our mission on a case-by-case basis for specific events. They are approved at our board level.
Who are Chamber partners and how do I become one?
Chamber partners agree to deliver the Chamber mandate through shared responsibilities on for specific events and event programs. Chamber partners are approved at the board level and proposals are received on an ongoing basis.
What is country membership?
Country membership is priced at ‘Corporate Members Under 50’ and available to Embassies and High Commissions accredited to Canada.
What makes one a Major Sponsor?
Major sponsors are defined as any member or partner who has allocated over $5000 in any given year toward Chamber events, over the past 3 years (this includes in-kind contributions).
We treasure those who use our event services which massively aids our organization’s ability to operate, reinvesting funds for a growing schedule of future events and all associated operational expenses.
We are thus proud, as a not-for-profit, to designate the title Major Sponsor to members or partners who have procured, directly sponsored (including in-kind) or purchased tickets and/or event packages to the value of $5000 or more.
What is a program versus an event?
A program is a series of events instead of a once-off event. Examples include a 6-part webinar series, or 3 events in a row - such as the annual Africa Accelerating conference (which used to be 3 distinct day-long, stand-alone events that now take place back-to-back every October).
Do you administer grant funding or scholarships?
While the Chamber does not do so directly, our members, partners and sponsors have ensured access to thousands of participants in Chamber events through sponsoring events open to all.
What is your relationship with governments and policy makers?
The Government of Canada is a partner in specific events through Global Affairs Canada. Various African governments are members through their local Embassies and High Commissions.
We do not take grant funding from governments but provide event services available to the public and private sector for members and partners.
For more information, please see speaker guidelines for public office holders here.