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Africa Day celebrations in Ottawa highlight growing Canadian interest

It has been a busy few weeks at The Canada-Africa Chamber of Business. Around 100 members of the diplomatic corps, go...

Effectively doubling Canada's free trade footprint via an Africa deal

African markets have taken a step towards an integrated regional market of 52 African countries with more than 1.2 b...

Mr. Carlos Zacarias

Carlos Joaquim Zacarias Chairman of National Petroleum Institute Mozambique Carlos Joaquim Zacarias is the Chairman ...

The Canada-Nigeria Business & Investment Summit

The Chamber was pleased to be a partner in The first annual Canada-Nigeria Business & Investment Summit that took...

Toronto was cold but Africa was hot at PDAC 2019

The Canada-Africa Chamber of Business 20th Annual Mining Breakfast and MineAfrica's 17th Annual Investing in African ...

Chamber announces new president

Chamber announces new president - Garreth Bloor

Mr. Agostinho Vuma

Agostinho Zacarias Vuma, is the President of the Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique (CTA), a Mozam...

DaMina Advisors NOTE: Tanzania preps mine nationalization with new radical mines minister

Tanzania preps mine nationalization with new radical mines minister After two years of unsuccessful wrangling with f...

High Commissioner Chris Cooter

  Chris Cooter, b. New Westminster, B.C. (BA Honours [Political Science], University of Toronto, 1981; MA [Political ...

PRESS RELEASE: Inaugural Two-Day Meeting Signals Major Growth in Opportunities and Economic Ties between Canada and Africa

PRESS RELEASE: Inaugural Two-Day Meeting Signals Major Growth in Opportunities and Economic Ties between Canada and ...

Canada Africa Business Conference to take place 26-27 March in Botswana

  Join us at our two-day business conference showcasing Canadian expertise and experience as your business partner of...

Sustainable Blue Economy Conference - Thank you!

Dear Mr. Shapiro, Thank you for your support of the Sustainable Blue Economy Conference, recently concluded in Nairob...
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Watch Africa Accelerating 2021

Three days of leading speakers and cutting-edge insights. From Heads of State and global CEOs to innovative SMEs, export opportunities and much more, it all took place from 26 to 28 October

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